E agora páro o carro e uma vastidão imensa de horizontes. A estrada são duas linhas infinitas a desaparecer na aridez ao longe. Saio para o ar quente parado e o mundo suspenso a toda a volta. Subitamente, no carro, o rádio enrouquece a voz de Lucinda Williams – “I am waiting for your essence”. E é aqui que eu quero ficar - com toda esta luz, todo este silêncio. Todo este céu.

terça-feira, 18 de novembro de 2008


Ryan Adams, "Blue Sky Blues"

Blue sky when you gonna learn to rain?
And let yourself go blue for once
And let go of the weight you've been carrying
In this house, no one goes to sleep for days
Its like were working on a mountainside
Trying not to slide
Into the ocean

I can take care of you
But only if you want
I’m strong enough to carry you
Across the icy lake, across the icy lake
But I cant fight your blues
Cause I know I'll lose
What's left of my mind
I can’t win
But for you I will try
My baby blue

My mountain is hidden in a pile of trees
And its the one I'll have to climb
If I ever wanna see
Over the ocean
Blue sky
When you gonna learn to rain?
And let yourself go blue for once
And let go of the pain?

I can take care of you
But only if you want
I’m strong enough to carry you
Across the icy lake, across the icy lake
But I cant fight your blues
Cause I know I'll lose
What's left of my mind
I can’t win
But for you I will try
My baby blue

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