E agora páro o carro e uma vastidão imensa de horizontes. A estrada são duas linhas infinitas a desaparecer na aridez ao longe. Saio para o ar quente parado e o mundo suspenso a toda a volta. Subitamente, no carro, o rádio enrouquece a voz de Lucinda Williams – “I am waiting for your essence”. E é aqui que eu quero ficar - com toda esta luz, todo este silêncio. Todo este céu.

quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008

Meg Hutchinson

"Come Up Full" (álbum de 2008)
Uma das melhores canções ouvidas em 2008

"Good Day to Die"

Today would be a good day to die
Don’t get me wrong I adore this life
But as they check the engine on this little tiny plane
I think my God I wouldn’t change a single thing

If today the propeller should just fall into the sea
I’d go tumbling down with a certain kind of peace
Pretty lady showing us the life vest
Doesn’t scare me much the thought of using this

Today would be a good day to die

I’d like another sixty years if something wills it so
Make a lot of music and some babies too
But if I should cross, over on this ride
I know they’d greet me there on the other side
Grandmother meet me on the other side

Today would be a good day to die

Spent the night with a new lover in my bed
Good the things we get to keep only for an instant
I’m not saying this life hasn’t also hurt me so
Always this awkwardness it makes me grow

This year my highs have been higher
I’ve reached the lowest kind of low
Then I fell through the bottom and sorta
Started to float
What’s this bird in my chest?
What’s this weight in my arms?
When I think of your hands it makes me tremble some

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